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A-Frame House Framing Contractors

Building a custom made home is rewarding but difficult work. It’s vital you count on a reliable team of framing contractors to ensure the “skeleton” of your A-Frame house or cabin is strong and sturdy. What is it exactly? A-frame houses get their name because they’re shaped like the letter A. They look like a home you’ll find in a fairy tale and they definitely catch everyone’s eye. Whether you’re looking for your new home or a vacation home, you need expert framing contractors of your side.

At Sapienza & Sons Builders Inc., we’re deeply committed to providing our clients with top-of-the-line craftsmanship and customer service at highly competitive rates. Family owned and operated, we’ve been in the framing industry since 1983, serving the Portland metropolitan area residents. Our framing work is always square, level, and plumb to ensure the integrity of your A-Frame house isn’t compromised. As framing is one of the first steps in building a custom home, we believe in working with great attention to detail in order to set the right tone for the rest of the construction.

Customize your dream home with quality framing

A-Frame homes are usually found in picturesque locations. Which is why they’re popular as cabins. You’re probably more familiar with the classic single-story A-frame house but it’s possible to find a bigger luxury cabin. Whether you want an all-American classic or a modern and sleek take, you’ll end up in love with this charming home.

Think about having a home with super high ceilings, large windows, plenty of light, open floor plan, and lots of space – all of this with a simple yet timeless design. When you team up with reliable framing contractors, you can have peace of mind knowing your home will not only be in harmony with nature, but it will also last you a lifetime.

wood framing
(503) 260-2205